
Yancey Letter 3

whats up? You said you keep your promises that you would write me if I got arrested again :( & yet, here I am and you havent wrote me but once :( which is fine considerin I never asked you to write me & you did. wich I appreciate & I didnt expect you to remember that promise we made, cos honestly I forgot until you wrote me, Im glad you did I just wish you would write me again, maybe you arent gettin my letters or something Idk or maybe you just dont want to write me :( do you need stamps or envelopes? if so you can call my mom or text her rather, & ask her to mail you some stamps :/ ***-***-**** text her forreal if you have no stamps or something Im sure she would help you out if you wanna write me, I hope you believe me when I tell you that The news & shit was completely full of SHIT they just tried to make me out to be a huge monster but I know Im not & I hope you know Im not :/... I miss you... I really do, I am getting anxious waiting on a response letter from you :| its burning me on the inside, I haven't received any letters from anyone, Its making me suspicious that they arent giving me my letters or something fucking fucked up along the way... or maybe your moms throwin away the letters, or you just dont have time to write me... ugh I need a fuckin cigarette, It seems like I'll be away a year or two but I hope not... but it looks to be going that way, cos this is by far the slowest process ever! I havent even met my lawyer & I got a long ass wait apparently until he even comes to me with a plea or anything, Idk something in my life fucked up along the way & It is gonna haunt me until the day I die Im pretty sure, but as long as I have somebody else out there to make me feel good and to talk with every night and shit, i'll be fine... :) lol, well I really hope you write me back one of these days, & you know Im not the guy the media is trying to make everyone think I am cos we dated for a while... & you got to know me pretty good I think, well until you write me,
I love you
Yancey T
P.S. Send me your # so I can call you and shit.

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