
So... my ex-boyfriend's in jail..

You know, the one I was with during the long silence of the blog? That one.
And since I just happen to be writing letters back and forth with him, I'm going to post them all here. At least the ones I get back from him.
Even if he is in jail, it's pretty neat to be able to legit write someone with a pen and paper then get their handwritten reply back. I now see why people have penpals.
I'm not going to fix his grammar, spelling, lack of capitalization, or take out the smilies. I want these exactly the same.

Wow! I really didnt expect any letters from you! :) but Im happy you wrote me, no body from the street has written me except 2 of my ex gf's but they wernt sayin much of anything. I didnt rape anyone, some girl lied to me about her age said she was 16 (which is legal) but she ended up being 14 :/ I'll be out soon though. I hope well It'll be a year or so :/ but I dont hate you I cant hate you, but I certainly wont ever get another gf again... cos whenever I get out of prison or jail or P.D.C. or whatever I'll still have to file as a sexual offender, and I'll probly be lonely for the rest of my life... but I guess thats what I get for being such a whore XD but seriously, Im not a rapist your right I dont have it in me, Idk who gave you the address here but Im glad you got it, I need someone to write :) & Im glad its you :) when I get out I'll be living with my sister cos they evicted me from my apartment lol, I was thinking about you the other day I kinda missed you than lol. Idk I just fucked up, but I have faith that god will get me out of this. I really do appreciate you writing me, and the reason ppl keep saying shit is cos they dont have nothing else to do accept talk fuckin shit & I'm gonna get out its not like I'm gonna be locked up forever so they will get their ass beat. its cool.. well write me if you want<3
Love, Yancey T
P.S. I cant hate someone I still love.

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