
The Weekend Of Remarkable Happenings

~Boobfest at Swayzes with Storm The Shoreline, A Fight For Life, and Within Devastation.
~Drive-by paintball style during the show. Brad got shot in the ear.
~Dylan [Also known as God] , the guitarist in A Fight For Life, was cracked in the back of the head with a bass neck because the stand-in bassist was a fucking moron.
~I've confirmed my suspicion that I take better pictures when I'm inebriated.
~Caleb fell asleep on the couch, and only woke up about two hours later.
~Amber and I left before the last band was finished playing, and went to a wicked party.
~I don't remember much about this party, other than the fact that I was more wasted than I can ever remember being.
~Didn't talk to Grant all weekend. I need to get on that. >.>

With my last two weekends being as amazing as they were, this is going to be a really interesting year.

On the downside, I spend $60 in one night.
Well, not everything's going to be perfect.
I'm pretty damn happy. :]

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