
Sitting In First Period...

half wishing I was still a junior. They're taking the writing portion of the graduation test today, which means I'm stuck in first period with about seven people total. None of which I talk to on a daily basis.
On a brighter note...

for those of you that don't know, that's the school news paper for Woodland High. Don't ask me what a phoenix has to do with a wildcat, I'm still trying to figure that one out for myself.
I've already written my first article, and I get to have a full two page spread. [I've only been on staff for two days!] If you can't tell, I'm a tad bit excited. I get to take all the pictures for it, make all the polls, and do interviews with students throughout the school. Obviously I'll post the aritcle and pictures here when I finally finish with it. [Even though no one besides Sarah reads my blog and even then she only does it when I practically beg her too.
I guess that's what I get for bitching all the damn time.

Things with Grant are going excellently. I don't think I could imagine a better boyfriend. [Even though right now I'm honestly thinking about the Bear] Back to Grant! He wants to move in together as soon as he finishes highschool. Too bad he's an entire year behind me.
Speaking of living quarters, WHERE THE FUCK AM I GOING TO LIVE AFTER HIGHSCHOOL?!?!?!

I refuse to be stuck at home with my bitchass grandmother and her over active ego. You'd think that someone that old, wiht that much supposed expirience, would just go ahead and take the initiative to fucking kill herself. Seeing as no one in the house likes her, and she doesn't have any friends on the outside. Maybe I'm just a cunt and should have my mouth washed out with soap for talking about my grandmother like that... or not.
It is currently 9:17am. I don't get out of this class until 11:00am. I WOULD write in my OTHER blog, seeing as I need more posts over there anyway, but the school blocked all the sites I could get pictures of my next victim on. Back to the whack-schedule. After I get out of this class at 11, we completely skip 2nd period. Then go to 3rd period for 12 minutes. I shit you not. From 11:06am to 11:18am. but then I get to go to lunch and spend time with Jessica and Kara. So I guess everything is acceptable. :]
The Get Sex Dance Party is this Friday at Swayze's!

Be there or be lame as fuck.
2543 Bells Ferry Road
Marietta, Ga 30066
Call (770)590-0111 for directions

Then on the 23rd, Evan Katherine and I [plus a few more people probably] are all going to go get new piercings.

I'll be getting my nape while Evan gets his snakebites. I have no fucking clue what Katherine's getting. Then we're going to go party, as far as I know.
[Not to mention I have a party to attend the weekend after that. Where, by the end of the night, we're all going to look like this...]

Also, I'm now the number one link on google for both my private, and whore myspace accounts. ;]
Type in "Krys Carnage" or "Kryst4l" and you'll find me! What whaaaaat. I'm also on the first page of images for each. :]
With that said, goodbye dear [nonexistant] readers!
Remember to check out Krystal G. Photography for your next show ;]

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