
This seems to be a pattern...

sitting in first period with nothing to do, that is.
I finally managed to smuggle a copy of the article I wrote out of Zimmer's room. [Thanks to this website.] but I don't really want to post it without a screencap of the actual page. For some reason I just don't think it would have the same impact.

In an unrelated note, I love A Fight For Life. That entire band is absolutely beautiful. Not to mention they're the best local band we've had since HeartCakeParty. [and in my opinion they're even better.] Jerry's got amazing vocal talent. We already know how I feel about Dylan, Patrick, and Evan. R2's a little beast on bass. Then Casey's a great guy with above average abilities. They're all really great guys off stage as well. [Even if they are constantly blazed out of their minds.]

I have no idea why I just went off on that little issue. I guess they're kind of stuck in my head. If you read one of my earlier posts, you know that Dylan got cracked in the head Saturday. I doubt I'll feel better until I see him up and about [without that limp!] again.

My hair is greasy as shit.

I'll probably look like that soon. OH GAWD.
I like my greasy scene hair, damnit.

So, I'm not really sure which piercing to get next... I obviously want my nape,

because I want a surface piercing, but I'm afraid that having a painful bar stuck through my neck will hinder my apeshitcrazy abilities. No hanging my camera around my neck, and no wearing my pussy necklace [I have a homemade bead necklace that says "Gimme dat pussy nukka" which I wear to school daily] anymore... so I'm still deciding.

I wish creepy fourteen year olds would stop texting me. He won't even text during class. So what's the point of talking to him? I only text people to relieve boredom, and he only seems to text me when I have things to do! What is this world coming to? Meanwhile, Abdul's telling me how big my eyes are, and how I just can't pull off certain faces because my eyes eat my entire face. They most certainly do not, Dulie. You shouldn't say such things!

Speaking of creepy texters, well, of cell phones at least. I have had mine out on my desk all period. The wonderful teacher doesn't give a shit. I can do this in 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th. Though in 2nd, 4th, or 6th: GOD FORBID YOU OWN A CELL PHONE. then again, I do have the same teacher for 2nd and 6th, and my 4th period only cares if he's trying to teach and he sees you texting... so that kind of explains things a little.

Anyway! Class is almost over, and I'm bored as all get out. Buhbye!

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