
First post of senior year.

and it's going to be all negative.

1] Most of my classes suck dick.
Graphic Arts is boring, and basically a bs class. So I'm pretty cool with it.
Algebra 2 is lame. This is the 2nd time I've taken it. I'm bored.
Economics is only fun because the teacher is hilarious.
World Lit is pretty interesting at the moment, but the endless religious arguments are probably going to get old fast.
Journalism is okay. Zimmer's cool. I hope I get at least one fucking picture on the wall.
Discrete math is the fucking reject math class for seniors who needed a bs math credit, but I have it with Evan meaning it's going to be fun at least some of the time.
Zoology is going to be boring. I hate taking notes and we apparently do a lot of that in there. DAMNIT.

2]I fucking hate being ditched. James, FUCK YOU. I think about you every fucking day. In fact, you're just about all I think about. Even though you blow me off and talk about your gf nonstop I'm still in love with you. In some ways, I think my life would have been easier if I'd never met you. In others, you're the most important thing to have happened to me in the past year.
Kyle, I know it wasn't your fault. Avery's a fag. x] Seriously though, I want to see you soon. I miss you so much boy. ily.
Abdul, don't forget me when you go to college. Don't replace me with an intellectual artsy college chick. That'll be me next year.
Sarah, what the hell is happening? I never get to talk to you anymore and when I do it's usually about failed plans and it doesn't seem like you even want to hangout anymore. If you're sick of me, just TELL me. I swear I'll leave you alone if you really want. :/

Shaun, Marcus, Josh, Amber, Grant, Kaiti, Evan, Josh, Brian, Austin, and tons of other people. We don't talk about. We're going to be splitting up in ONE YEAR, and it's like none of you ever realize this.

I'm getting drunk as FUCK at the show tomorrow.
I can't stand being sober anymore. :(

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