
Bored and downloading music.

So I'm going to tell you a little story! :]
Yes, it's just like all my other stories. It involves interaction with the most unbelievably spectacular boy in the universe.
So ever since I've been home from my random vacationings, I've been staying up until about 7-8 am every night. From there I usually sleep until 3-6. James has been waking me up with calls/texts almost everyday as well. Well, on the Friday that my story takes place, it happens to be his birthday. This means that instead of the usual "Krystaaaall. Get uppppp." I answer my phone to hear the following: "I CAN BUY A SHOTGUN, CIGARETTES, AND PORNO NOW! WOOO!". Very exciting.
I get up and wander my way into the living room and basically sit there for about an hour. I get on the computer check all my shit blahblahblah. I'm talking to James on AIM when all of a sudden I look at the clock and realize that I only have about an hour to get ready. I say goodbye, put on my makeup, change clothes, drown myself in the perfume I stole from Pacsun and fix my hair. By this time I need to leave in about 10 minutes. I get a text from James asking me if we left yet. I tell him we're leaving at six. I brush my teeth and get my wallet then walk out the front door and tell mom it's time to go. She of course takes another 5 minutes to do god knows what, considering the only thing she does while I'm at Swayze's is come back home. Then we leave! The entire time we're driving, James is sending me texts that say "nao?" It feels like it takes weeks to get to his house. I text him and tell him to come outside and we pull up in front of his house and he gets in the car blahblahblah. He smells fantastic! Even mom thinks so. We chat the entire ride to Swayze's. He plays with my hair and pokes me and steals my phone. His eyes look amazing and every time I try to glare at him I melt and just smile. He's wearing his best friends beanie, a black Children Of Bodom t-shirt, some camo/cargo pants, and these massive steel-toed boots that I know have GOT to be way too big on his feet. He of course looks fantastic. We get to Swayze's and mom drops us off at the store so I can get change and buy us some drinks. I give James his birthday money and we walk down to Swayze's buy our wristbands and go inside. We head right to the couch and commence the awesomeness that is doing nothing but having more fun than if you were at Seaworld. It takes forever for the first band to start, in which time we just flirt and talk a lot. When the first guy does start, he's kind of horrible. James takes my iPod to try and drown out the noise. x] The second band is equally irritating. James keeps grabbing my butt and punching my boobs. I take his hat and discover that his hair looks amazing. He has his hand on my leg. He licked my cheek. Gave me a hugs. Told me I smelled good. Told me I had the perfect hair. Said my freckles were super cute. Tried to move my hair out of my "pretty" face so he could see it better. We went for a walk around Swayze's. As soon as we get behind the building I get a text from my mom asking if we're having fun. Of course! We keep walking and realize that all the things we've spray painted on the concrete has been paved over. We come back around to the front and have a conversation about how everyone at Swayze's probably thinks he just got head. We get back in time to see A Fight For Life play. There's a fight during their first show that James obviously wants to be in. I have to make him go sit back down on the couch. I pretty much forgot about the bands for the rest of the night. I always do when I'm with James. He tells me that he had lots of fun because he was with me. We get picked up. Turns out mom has been sitting in the parking lot and saw us go around before Swayze's. James was right. She thought we were going to do something. The drive home is quiet and James doesn't talk as much as he did before. We drop him off and he gives me a hug before rushing inside to pee [lol]. and yeah. that was pretty much my night.He's fantastic and I'm pretty positive I love him. :] Also, I own one of his legs now. and he took a picture of his junk area so I could make it my desktop picture. x]] Here it is.

Goodnight everyone! :]

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