
May is always so interesting.

So Trevor and I began "dating" on May 6th. I'm happier knowing he's mine than I have been in a really long time. The only problem is that every day something else happens to remind me that I'm not good enough for him. He's more intelligent, more attractive, wittier, and a much... MUCH better person than me. How could I possibly deserve him? Even though I know he's not as serious as he seems, I still feel like an idiot when I act even the least bit immature while talking to him. I have to think about everything I say to him and make sure it doesn't sound moronic before I give myself the okay to spurt it out. I'm just worried about what he'll think of me in real life. Will he still like my personality as much? Or will I just be a disappointment? I'm guessing the latter. Last night, May 20th, I drunk dialed him for the first time. Apparently I don't slur much when I'm piss drunk though, so it wasn't that big a deal. My pants also fell down at the party. In front of about 5 people. They were all too drunk to notice though. That's all the bitching I have to do today.

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