
Things I Hate About The Human Body

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm ridiculously shallow and hardly ever find someone I find completely, legitimately attractive. So I'm going to make a blog of complete turn-offs for me concerning both sexes.
Facial hair. Chest hair. Pubic hair. Bushy eyebrows. Beer bellies. Large muscles. Short hair. Huge noses. Big ears. No fashion sense. Hairy arms. Hairy armpits. Overly hairy legs. Disgusting toenails. Dirty fingernails. Profuse sweating. A bad laugh. Receding hairlines. Lack of eyelashes. Tiny dicks. Thin dicks. Huge nads. The kissy face. That smug shit eating grin all of you assholes flash that you think makes you look mysterious and sexy. It doesn't. It makes you look like a douche. Ugly shoes. Loafers and tennis shoes are disgusting. Booty shorts. "Butt" chins. Huge foreheads. Big lips. Square jaws. Short fingernails. Shorter than 5'5. Curly "jewfro" hair. Curly hair in general. Wide shoulders. Asses. Long tongues. Veins sticking up under the skin. Man tits. Body fat in general. Hair parted down the middle. Hair combed straight back. Baldness. Forehead wrinkles. Tiny ears.

Big hips. Stomach pudge. Pregnancy. Long bushy hair. Wrinkles. Big tits. Big noses. "Hourglass" figures. Long fingernails. Body hair. Frizzy hair.

Asses. Medusa piercings. Big feet. Thighs that touch. Double chins. Tiny eyes. Unibrows. Not being able to see hipbones. Bad teeth. Elbows. Knees. Freckles. Tans. Eyebrow piercings. Ankle tattoos. thick legs. Acne. Puffy cheeks.

Alright. These are just the worst offenders. I'll probably add more as time goes on.
Jesus I hate humans.

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