
Some things you might not have known about me.

1. I do not care for female vocalists whatsoever.
2. Once I pick a "best friend" the attachment I form to them is to the core.
3. I love watching Disney movies when I'm at home.
4. "The Great Mouse Detective", "Fern Gully", and "Fantasia" were my favourite movies as a child.
5. I no longer believe in learning to love someone. You'll either feel the connection right away, or it isn't real love.
6. I love cats, especially wild cats with ferocious looking yellow and green eyes.
7. I think I'm doomed to be a romantic loner my entire life, due to the fact that I break off relationships before I get attached in a form of self-preservation.
8. If I can trust you, you never have to worry about trusting me. I'll keep your secrets until the day I die.
9. I prefer texting over IMing, IMing over real life discussions, and real life over telephone conversations.
10. I'm so scared of being abandoned in the end that I refuse to make close connections anymore. I'd rather never have someone and escape the pain of loss than love someone and lose them.
11. I don't blog because I think anyone will read it. I blog because I know that no one will.
12. Honesty is a scary thing for me. Please never ask for my HONEST opinion unless you're sure you can handle the outcome, and it won't fuck over our friendship.
13. I'm almost jealous of everyone I meet for SOMETHING whether it be looks, talents, or intelligence.
14. I love having attractive friends to talk to. They're all lovely to look at.
15. I'm one of the most shallow, vain people you will ever meet.

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