
I Guess It's Been A While...

since I vented out my feelings to this technological diary for the world to see. I don't even know how to explain where I'v been since the last time I wrong anything on this blog. Almost ever post I've even had on this blog was about one boy. If you care enough to know a name all you have to do is lurk a few pages back and you'll figure out who.
Since then I've tried all sorts of things and repeated some of the most vial acts imaginable... And I've changed.
I don't know when exactly it happened, but I know that it has and I think I'm going in the right direction.
I haven't been sober for more than 48 hours at a time since May 22nd. The day of my high school graduation.
Marijuana has become one of the best things in my life thanks to the fact that I can no longer stand the normality and boredom of life sober.
What's the point of looking at the bright green leaves on a tree if you can't see the rainbow of colours within the light shining through the thin membrane?
Why listen to music unless you can completely immerse yourself in the beat and lose yourself to the words?
I've stopped drinking as much. Which is good because during The Yancey phase I was drinking every weekend along with the aforementioned horrible things.
Now I just smoke. All day. Every day.

Katherine's been living here for a few months now. Which is probably a contributing factor as to why I smoke so much. She has come to feel like one of the best, most real people I have ever known. I don't think I could have asked for anyone better to be in close contact with everyday.

James is now my best friend and I've let go or all spite I have for the situation. He told me that I was his best friend and the most important person in his life. That's pretty much all I needed to be happy for the rest of the century.

And I still haven't been sucked into the shithole of having a job.
thank you life, for finally being cool about shit.

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